Hello all,
So I'm the guy that started this mess...
I started my wargaming career about 17 years ago when I was introduced to Warhammer fantasy and made the remarkable discovery that you could actually use dice and tape measures to play out combat instead of throwing rocks at your opponent and going 'pew-pew'. Since then I've been hooked to all aspects of the hobby. I'm an avid painter, modeller, terrain builder, scratchbuilder and player. A few years ago I switched to historicals now playing War at Sea, Flames of War and SAGA.
War at sea is a terrific game in the true sense of the word. It has since also been discontinued (although the community is still going strong). After playing War at Sea for a while the limitations of the Beer and Pretzel mechanics become quite obvious, and, while it is still a very entertaining game, I decided to look for something that was a little more 'realistic' for lack of a better word, but still retained the Beer-and-Pretzel fun. That proved to be quite hard. After discovering SAGA with its distinct playing mechanics I decided that something like that should also be possible in Naval gaming, just nobody decided to do it yet. So here we are, I've written my first rule set, and after some prodding of friends and gaming buddies decided to put it up here for everyone to enjoy! 
Hope to meet all of you guys (and girls) on the site and I'm of course very curious to hear what you think of it.